New Years Resolutions (2025)

Table of Contents

My previous resolutions was a useful experience to note down. Therefore, I will repeat this for 2025 in this post, continuely updating with progress as I did in 2024. I’ll go into slightly more depth this year, althought too many constraints make it harder to follow.

Health / Lifestyle

Maintain Reduced Sugar Intake

As with last year, I want to continue to reduce how much processed sugar I eat. Since this has already decreased since 2023, the goal is to maintain this and not increase it. Hopefully, I can reduce it further but the official ‘goal’ is to maintain it.

More, Regular Exercise

The plan will be to build up a consistent routine of cycling once per week. This will tie into other goals as I will use this as a way of visiting new places.

w/c done

Improve Sleep Schedule

I need to sleep at least 7.5hrs per night, this will result in a sleep schedule of ~10.30pm to ~6am. An additional goal would be to improve the quality of my sleep. I’ll update this as I research more into this, but will start with no phone usage 30 minutes before and after bed.

Month Avg. hours of sleep
Jan 7h 56m

Personal Development

Read 12 Fiction Books

I really enjoyed pushing myself to read 12 books last year (I got to 10). I’ll do the same this year, updating this when I start a new book.

Month Book
January Beowulf
February American Psycho

Write 4 Technical Blog Posts

I only managed to write 1 technical blog post last year, and found it difficult to find the time to write. I’ll aim to produce 4 this year, which should be achievable. I will not have a goal for non-technical blog posts (mtg), but I’ll hopefully write some of those regardless.

Release gpt-cotts

I’ve been working on gptcotts for a while now, and I genuinely find it useful. Once the last few set of MVP features are released, I’d like to release for public use. I’ll update this as I get closer to this goal.

Become more active on X/Discord/IRL

I’d like to start making more friends within the CS community, and I think this is the best way to do it. It’s hard to quantify this (and doing so would be weird), so I’ll just update this as I feel I’m making progress.


Visit 20 Interesting Places

As with 2024, interesting is a biased term. It’s anywhere I find cool. I’ll post the pictures here as a record.

A2 -> B2 Portuguese

As the title suggests, I’d like to solidify my Portuguese to a B1/B2 level. I think i’m bordering on B anyway, so it’ll be fun to see if I can do it.